Free ELO-P @ Pinetree Community School

Para aplicar al programa ELO en español, por favor haga clic aquí

Sunshine Day Camp is now operating a free Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELO-P) at Pinetree Community School.  Sunshine Day Camp has been serving children and families of the Santa Clarita Valley since 1984.  Sunshine Day Camp currently operates seven different childcare locations, all right here in the Santa Clarita Valley.  Sunshine Day Camp’s free ELO-P (Expanded Learning Opportunities Program) will be held on the campus of Pinetree Community School, as a separate program from our fee-based childcare program which is also located at Pinetree Community School.

Our staff are caring members of the community who have completed a health screening, academic proficiency test, and background check. Our student to staff ratio in the ELOP is 20:1 (10:1 for Kinder and TK), per State guidelines.

ELO-P Curriculum

Educational & Fun Hand-in-Hand

In our ELO program, we balance a learning and fun in an engaging environment.  While it’s good to have fun, it’s important to have structure and purpose, too. Curriculum includes PE, homework support, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), and Social & Emotional Learning.  Daily snacks are included as well!

The ELO-P (Expanded Learning Opportunity Program) is a State funded program designed to give children additional learning opportunities after school.

ELO-P Eligibility & Ratios
  • Per State guidelines, ELO Programs have a student to adult ratio of 20 to 1 (10:1 for TK and K).
  • The ELO Program is only available to students that meet certain criteria and have been invited by the Sulphur Springs Union School District.
  • To apply for the program, please review the information below and then click on the link found at the bottom of the page.

Peek at a "Typical" Afternoon Day

The ELO-P is an afternoon enrichment program that includes homework support, enrichment, fitness, and a daily snack.

WHEN: Every regularly scheduled school day from school dismissal until 5:30pm.

WHERE: Sunshine Day Camp ELO program is located at Pinetree Community School.

WHO: This program is limited to SSUSD students in grades TK-6 who have been invited by the school district.

Here is a peek at a typical afterschool day in the Sunshine Day Camp ELO-P

  • 2:15p-2:25p           Student Check In (by staff), Social Contact & Daily Update
  • 2:25p-3:00p          Snack Time & Socialization
  • 3:00p-3:45p          Homework Club/Reading & Student Help
  • 3:45p-4:15p           P.E. (Sparks Curriculum) & Outdoor Organized Play
  • 4:15p-4:45p           Enrichment Activity (i.e., science, technology, art/craft, cooking)
  • 4:45p-5:00p          Social/Emotional Learning Activity (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity)
  • 5:00p-5:30p         Organized Centers-Combination of learning and fun

On Wednesdays and minimum days, additional enrichment opportunities will be added to the schedule.

Peek at a "Typical" Summer Camp/Full Day

Typical Full Day (no school day/Summer camp)

Here is a peek at a typical full 9-hour day (typically open from 7:30a-4:30p) in the Sunshine Day Camp ELO-P

  • 7:30a-8:00a           Check In, Social Contact & Daily Update
  • 8:00a-8:30a           P.E. (Sparks Curriculum) & Outdoor Organized Play
  • 8:30a-9:15a            Enrichment Activity #1 (i.e., science, technology, art/craft, cooking)
  • 9:15a-9:45a            Snack & Socialization
  • 9:45a-10:15a          Recess
  • 10:15a-10:45a        Enrichment Activity #2 (i.e., science, technology, art/craft, cooking)
  • 11:45a-12:15a         Enrichment Activity #3 (i.e., science, technology, art/craft, cooking)
  • 12:15p-12:45p        Lunch
  • 12:45p-1:15p          Recess
  • 1:15p-1:45p            Academic Activity (i.e., site words, flash cards, math games)
  • 1:45p-2:15p            Social/Emotional Learning Activity (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity)
  • 2:15p-2:45p            Enrichment Activity #4 (i.e., science, technology, art/craft, cooking)
  • 2:45p-3:15p            Snack
  • 3:15p-3:45p            Indoor Group Game
  • 3:45p-4:00p           P.E. (Sparks Curriculum) & Outdoor Organized Play
  • 4:00p-4:30p           Indoor Organized Centers-Combination of learning and fun

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is my student guaranteed a spot?
A:  No, the registration process is first come-first served.  The program is reserved for students who meet certain eligibility criteria.

Q: When will I know if my student will be in the program?
A:  We expect to notify parents within 7 -14 days of application.

Q: Are my students expected to attend every day and stay for the full program every day?
A:  Per State and District requirements, children enrolled in the ELOP have a minimum attendance requirement for regular after school days.  Children should attend daily for a minimum of one hour and 30 minutes.  This means that the earliest you can pick up your child from the program will be 3:45pm on regular school days.  Absences such as child illness, doctor/dentist appointment, court appearances, etc., are excused.  Please notify the Sunshine Day Camp ELOP via email or via phone to excuse your child. Picking up your child early for a parallel program/another afterschool activity (e.g., dance, sport, karate, music, etc.) is also acceptable.

Q: Is the ELO program free?
A:  Yes, the program is funded by state funds.  Parents who meet the eligibility criteria, and are enrolled, do not pay for ELO-P.

Q: Who should I contact if I have more questions?
A: Please email with additional questions.  Please allow 48 hours for a response.

Begin the ELOP Application Process Now!

Note: All submitted applications must be reviewed and approved by District personnel.  Once you complete the Application Link below, it will be automatically submitted for reveiw and approval process.  If your child is approved by the District, the application will be added to our enrollment list, and enrollment information will be sent for completion.  If enrollment full by the time your application is approved, you will be automatically added to the waitlist in the order it was received.  Please allow for up to 14 business days for the approval process.

To apply for the ELO program in English, please click here

Para aplicar al programa ELO en español, por favor haga clic aquí


Additional Questions?

For additional questions, please email or with additional questions.  Please allow 48 hours for a response.

Still have a few questions?

Interest Form